Aug 1, 2007 12:20:40 GMT -6
Post by kishkir on Aug 1, 2007 12:20:40 GMT -6
Xirin murred and watched the bikering females with pure interest. He smiled and watched Brooke. She could take care of herself but if things spiraled out of control he could put them back into...place. "Ladies. Please, be civil." He said. His deep voice rolled over his toung like hot blood from a fresh kill. He stood up and walked towards the females that seemed to be over populating the area.
Aug 1, 2007 13:14:54 GMT -6
Post by kamunyak on Aug 1, 2007 13:14:54 GMT -6
Kamu looked to her left and saw the male that had joined behind Brooke, she gave him a sly evil look and her tail flickered from side to side. Some of the females that had gathered seemed not to get along with each other. Her amber orbs just skimmed the horizon. She shook the rain droplets of her golden fur. She then contunied to lick her face with her paw. Kamu just sat out of this argument, but the two females, that were princesses on different pride lands, had some old score to settle, she just carried on looking at the male and cleaning her face, even though its raining and muddy.
Aug 1, 2007 17:36:43 GMT -6
Post by Lassiel on Aug 1, 2007 17:36:43 GMT -6
ooc: Let's keep to posting order everyone. It's Angel's turn to reply.
Aug 2, 2007 17:26:34 GMT -6
Post by brook on Aug 2, 2007 17:26:34 GMT -6
ooc| This post might not be the best, I am very low on muse right now, but here it goes! XD
No, my pride is not in the marshlands Brooke said kindly, her tail twitching, as well as her ears. She let out a yawn as the rain went on hitting her body. She stood up and shook her body, sending water everywhere, then sat down once more, her gaze falling on the two lionesses. She looked at Xirin and smiled kindly, then looked back over at the two females in front of her. You would have plenty to eat and alot of sun in the winter, and alot of shade in the summer. She said to the two, then her gaze turned and it fell on Almira.
I'm Sorry Almira, it was not my parents that told me, it was I, I was simply...wandering She said sweetly. She really wanted to yell at the femme but most femme's in her rank stay civil and polite. Brooke was not very fond of Almira, since the whole thing with Haleigh and her when they were cubs, she would rather be talking to Tari, for she was nice and civil. She sighed, her tail twitching, slightly angered at the femme. She looked at the to other females and smiled, not letting them know how angry she was.
My pride has my mother, my father, me and my twin sister, but she wanders off and on our lands Brooke said to the two female loners. She stood up and shook her body once more, then sat down and twitched her ears, a smile plastered on her face. She let it slowly fade as she waited for the answer from the two females. She looked around the lands for Tari but she seemed to not be around. She turned to Almira and smiled kindly, then she let the smile disappear and she looked at the females once more, her tail twitching
Aug 2, 2007 20:18:35 GMT -6
Post by Lassiel on Aug 2, 2007 20:18:35 GMT -6
Almira glanced at Xirin, hating that a male she did not know of was here. How dare this girl come to her home to recruit members?! And almost worse, how dare she bring a male with her? The feeling, to put it lightly, was mutual. Almira's love for her sister was great, and she had always been very protective of her. And to know that the daughter of the one who had threatened Tari's life was on her land--it made her blood boil! And Tari--well, she was just as protective of her.
The young lioness snorted at the tone of the girl's voice. Trying to hide behind a sweet and innocent facade, was she? Putting on a disarming smile? Oh, this entire family would learn not to mess with Lothril's daughter. Well..take that back...Hathor and Keira seemed to be the only two with a steady head on their shoulders--it really was too bad that they had to be related to these other three. It really did not take too much effort for Almira to see that Brooke was angry--she seemed to radiate it off her, to the practiced eye.
A low growl rumbled in Almira's throat, mixing with her words. You best run home kitten--we don't need you in our lands. If your parents have not taught you how...discourteous it is to come to another's land and beg for members--rest assured that I will.
Abruptly, Almira turned back to the others, her entire being changing. Her form relaxed, and a truly kind smile appeared on her face. Yes, it was hard for her to forgive and forget--but that did not make her an evil lioness. Could one not tell that from the fierceness of her love for her family and pride? She would protect them with her life, if need be. As noble as it is to try to be fair--an important decision such as this should be based on which pride will suit you best.
Aug 2, 2007 20:43:32 GMT -6
Post by kishkir on Aug 2, 2007 20:43:32 GMT -6
Xirin stepped infront of Brooke and growled. "Now you listen here!" He snarled. "She was just on a walk about. No harm in that. And I was only following to make sure that no damned male put his paws on her and raped her!" He hissed. "I'll not tolerate you being a bitch!" He growled. "Brooke!" He said turning to her. "We must go." He said watching her. "We are obviously not welcome and she has no right to throw us out. Especially if we were just passing through." He said smoothing his coat. "Come now!" We must be leaving." He said and watched Almira. The girl was far too young for her own good...and too brazen.
Post by karasi on Aug 3, 2007 9:12:56 GMT -6
Karasi felt like bugs were crawling in her fur as the two continued to argue, until she was sure that Brooke and that male were going to leave. They might as well, as Almira is making a very good point, but the other lioness could have been a little... nicer. Perhaps there had been something in their pasts' to have made them act this way to each other. I pride that suits us best, huh? Does seem quite right there, but still... Oh well, Karasi wasn't going to go and throw herself into their tussle. She did, however, rise from her sitting position. Something about that male's tone had ste her anger flying. Claws were scraping at the dirt as she kneaded the ground in impatience.
"A pride that suits us, yes, but who's to say which pride that is? And what's with all this anger? You're acting like two lion cubs. Which, I have to say, doesn't help you win over loners. " Voice was quavering a bit, as she hadn't meant to say that out loud. Even so, it was said, and could nto be taken back now. Ears were back, eyes narrowed, as she picked up on Brooke's anger. It was infecting her, like anger normally does, but she wasn't going to let it get to her. Forcing herself back down, Karasi glanced over at Kamun, to see what she thought about all this.
Post by kamunyak on Aug 3, 2007 9:57:41 GMT -6
Kamunyak had stopped groaming and listerened to the other lions. She rolled her eyes and let out a big roar. " WOULD YOU GUYS STOP BICKERING LIKE A BUNCH OF IDIOTS! Some of you are princesses of different lands, and some are just plain stubip. Least all of you have friends and families! I DONT EVEN HAVE A MOM!![/b]" She paced and paced whilst shouting at the top of her voice. She panted and stopped in the middle of the two bickering lions. She sighed and looked to the ones that were just about to leave. " You better go[/b]" She looked to Karasi and shook her head. A pride that suited them both, with no agruments and more lionesses to protect their young when the dry season arrives. " I think, its best if we go with Almira's pride... But they both seemed strong prides[/b]" All this descion making hurt Kamu's head, but choosing a pride was critical beause choosing a strong enough pride had the best chance of rasing young and keeping food for the pride. She looked to Almira and smiled sweetly.
((OCC: It is Almira's pride anit it?))
Aug 3, 2007 10:46:53 GMT -6
Post by brook on Aug 3, 2007 10:46:53 GMT -6
Brooke seemed shocked for a moment about their chose, but she forced a smile and nodded her head I respect your chose She said in a mellow tone. Ears where slightly down as she heard what Almira said. She let out a sigh and stood up, nodding her head once more. She smiled sweetly at both of the lionesses and then said I hope you have a nice and comfortable life here Then she began to back away, her eyes burning into Almira. She turned to look at Xirin as she heard his tone.She turned her head to him and slowly nodded, then turned back to Almira
Brooke padded over to her and stopped at her ear Oh but hun, how can you teach me when your merely a kitten yourself? She said, then she hit her shoulder against Almira's and walked away. Brooke thought about how the females would have been in her four lion pride. Her ears fell and hit her skull slightly and her tail dropped down a bit. She looked back a the lionesses and forced a smile, nodding as she did so. She then turned back to the land in front of her and walked away, her hopes gone of ever finding any members
ooc|Sorry Muse is low at the moment. I just woke up XD Well it looks like I am out of this thread XP
Aug 3, 2007 10:53:20 GMT -6
Post by kishkir on Aug 3, 2007 10:53:20 GMT -6
Xirin snorted and turned as he was about to walk away. "I know your mother." He said simply. "I don't know what went wrong with you." He said smirking and then kept walking with Brooke. He knew Lothril. She was a good kind hearted queen. What the hell had happened to make this kitten so bitter. The best thing she could have done was to pardon them and to ask them not to recruit. But she had to be a brat and go off shooting her mouth. "You sound like your mother." He said to Brooke as soon as they were away from the group.
Aug 6, 2007 10:02:41 GMT -6
Post by karasi on Aug 6, 2007 10:02:41 GMT -6
The young femme hopped up from her haunches and slowly walked after Brooke. She didn't look back at Almira or Kamun. There was really no reason for her to, unless she wanted to get the attitude, too. "Wait up, Brooke." Karasi broke out into a run until she caught up with the two. If she was breaking any unwritten rules, Karasi wouldn't apologize and she had no problem with breaking them. The way Almira had acted had lost her a new pride member, even if it meant that Karasi would still have to be a loner.
"So how many are in the Ari pride?" Vocals asked calmly of either of the lions. Her light beige pelt didn't even hide her a bit in this soggy marsh, which bugged her more than she could describe. Golden pools were on the ground, but were soon on Brooke. She had no clue who the other lion was, and so just pretended he wasn't there.
Aug 6, 2007 18:26:34 GMT -6
Post by Vox on Aug 6, 2007 18:26:34 GMT -6
|ooc| : So Xirin is in the Ari Pride? I thought he was in the Scrublands/Alethea? I get so confused with Hathor's and Truth's kids/prides...-sulks-
Aug 6, 2007 20:55:08 GMT -6
Post by Lassiel on Aug 6, 2007 20:55:08 GMT -6
At the sound of Brooke's reply, and then the male's, Almira showed no reaction save for a smirk. Did the kitten really think such a comment would bother her after what Brooke's own mother had done? The male may think he knew Lothril well, but he was oh-so wrong--and quite a fool, if he thought he knew her better than her own daughter did. Lothril's reaction, though maybe a bit more calm and regal, would have been just the same as Almira's. A Queen's title is in vain, if she cannot hold her own. So the maddening smile stayed on her face, even as she watched the other lioness follow them. It was not her duty or purpose to keep the other from going--if that was the pride she chose, than it was the pride she chose. You win some--you lose some. Not all of life was a victory.
Using this momentary lull to think on what else had been said, Almira's lips pursed as she remembered Kamu's outburst. Turning to the older lioness, her voice held the same kind sternness her mother always spoke with. Not having family is always a horrible thing, but do not make the mistake of believing you are the only one who had lost. My own father abandoned my sister and I--left my mother to rule these lands alone. The sternness left though, as a smile curled its way across her muzzle. But you have a family now, and we will always be around when you need us!
As she spoke, her gaze landed on Brooke and her eyes darkened. But as long as she hauled her carcass off these lands, Almira would be happy. It seemed this daughter was turning out just like her mother--rude in the ways of treating others. Although Almira may be distrustful of others at first--much like her mother--she treated everyone the same...until they disregarded manners. Then all hell broke lose. Her eyelids closed half way as she remembered the day she feared for her sister's life.
The family of three quickly made their way back to the marsh, but once they were far enough away from the other family, Lothril stopped and used the time to check Tari for any injuries. Her voice, laced with worry and heated anger, was stern. "Tell me exactly what happened."
The two cubs glanced toward each other, debating who should tell the story. At a nod from Almira, Tari finally spoke up. "Almira was just teasing Harleigh--like the way we do to each other--and she blew up about it! She said something to her--I don't remember what--and it made Almira mad." She cast an apologetic glance toward her older sister. "Things just kinda went from there, and then--" Tari's voice cut off, suddenly unsure how to continue.
When Almira realized her sister would not say more, the bold cub took a step forward and spoke heatedly. "And then Harleigh's mom pushed her to the ground and held her there!" Her small face was flashing in anger at the thought of her sister threatened, but one could also detect unshed tears. "She could have hurt Tari! And I--I--" Almira suddenly broke off, a muffled sob escaping her. At her daughter's distress, Lothril swept the small body toward her with a paw, giving her the security of her own large form. Once quiet, Almira continued quietly. "I couldn't do anything."
Lothril sighed, though anger still heated her heart at the way Angel had treated her cubs. "Your sister is fine--though it could have been much worse. Sometimes, my daughter, you cannot protect one you love." The Queen's eyes were sad as she though of the only son she lost long ago. "You just have to hope everything will turn out fine." Giving each a lick on the head, she smiled. "But I think you two will do a good job of protecting each other--you already try so very hard to do so. Just promise me one thing." As the cubs nodded eagerly, Lothril spoke to them seriously. "Promise me you will never--no matter how angry or tired you are---treat another's cubs the way Angel treated you. All children are precious."
A quiet sigh escaped her as Almira returned to the present. She had promised her mother she would not treat children that way--and having been the recipient of such treatment, the young lioness never would. She looked at Kamu, thinking she should apologize for what happened. I am sorry about that, though I am not sorry for what I said. To put it lightly, our family's do not get along very well due to an...incident in our past.
ooc: I thought he was in the Alethea pride too.
Aug 6, 2007 21:49:23 GMT -6
Post by Vox on Aug 6, 2007 21:49:23 GMT -6
|ooc| : I cannot resist. Sorry. -stuffsfistinmouth-
It was a tiring day. The sun was beating down so hard on her back and her eyes were glazed in pain from a small wound in her side. She had been foolish, but it had been worth it. White filmed eyes, blind eyes, stared in front of her as she walked. Keira grimaced as she sat and examined the wound. It was small, but quite deep and caused her to wince everytime she moved. It was in a very nasty place, so that it would hurt her whatever she did until it healed. One more attempt at hunting. Oh she had killed antelope all right, but in it's death throws she hd been gouged by it's antlers. It was one of those things that happens when you are a blind huntress, it cannot be helped. But as Keira opened her eyes a little wider, she thought she could see the shapes ahead. The sun helped her though, and she was not convinced. A familiar scent was in the air. Brooke had been here...But she was leaving now. Thanks God! Keira thought. Brooke and Keira never got along well. They were twins, but very dissimilar in both looks and personality. She could guess what had happened.
She hissed venemously as she walked past Brooke and Xirin's shadowy shapes. She approached cautiously to the others, head held high and yet not arrogantly so. Her blind eyes swept through them all unneccesarily. She only knew Almira's smell. Dipping her head in the Princess' general direction, Keira moved about three feet away from them all to a tree and sat down heavily with another wince. Tilting her lithe body gracefully into a position impossible to anybody that was not a cat, Keira licked her wound carefully and snarled as it began to bleed. For such a small cut, it bled a lot. A patch that was five inches or so in diameter began to stain her dark tan fur. Looking up, with a rueful grin on her pretty features, Keira said in her musical tones.
Antelope got me right in the side. I didn't see it coming.
Then she went back to her cleaning. SHe had met Tari, and liked her quite a lot, but she wasn't sure if Almira would be Tari's alter ego like Brooke was Keira's. If she was...Then Keira had better get on her paws again and run. [/right]
Aug 8, 2007 13:17:57 GMT -6
Post by kamunyak on Aug 8, 2007 13:17:57 GMT -6
((OOC: Sorry for the late reply))
Kamu had been daydreaming and she quickly relised that Almira had said something. " Hmm sorry about that! daydreaming...[/b]" She relised that Almira was looking towards Brooke's way, Kamu had looked to Almira then to Brooke, then back to Almira again. She smiled and looked to Almira. " You really dont like her do you?[/b]" She asked as rolling on her back. " Well thank you for letting me be in your pride ^_^[/b]"
Being accepted into a new family was first for Kamunyak... Being an outcast for most of her life, being mocked because of her name... and her past... She sighed and got up to stretch. Being alone female and now not.. She wanted to jump for glee
She looked to Almira and wondered if it was time to meet her new family. For being her she walked over to Almira... Being like a kitten again she nibbled on her ear as a calm, sisterly way. Even though Kamu wasnt her sister... it felt like she had a step sister.