Aug 8, 2007 13:39:04 GMT -6
Post by Lassiel on Aug 8, 2007 13:39:04 GMT -6
ooc: Have Brooke and Xirin left, or are they still in the thread?
Aug 8, 2007 13:48:31 GMT -6
Post by Vox on Aug 8, 2007 13:48:31 GMT -6
|ooc| : I believe they've left.
Aug 8, 2007 14:35:38 GMT -6
Post by kamunyak on Aug 8, 2007 14:35:38 GMT -6
((OOC:))hmm i agree.... they havent posted for a long time...
Aug 9, 2007 13:58:36 GMT -6
Post by Lassiel on Aug 9, 2007 13:58:36 GMT -6
A light purr emitted from Almira's throat when Kamu nibbled on her ear, the gesture reminding her of the way she and Tari would act, before the sisters began going their separate ways to perform various duties for the pride. But new friends could be made, and the young princess was glad that Kamu was already adapting well to being a part of a family.
An eyebrow arched at Kamu's comment, but a true smile stayed on Almira's face. She understood quite well how easy it was to dose off when others were talking about subjects that really didn't concern you. No hard feelings. And no--I don't like her at all. A light growl mingled with Almira's words when she spoke. She wondered if it would be wise to let others know of what happened. The lioness had no desire to sound like she was complaining or begging for pity--she neither needed or wanted any. But...Almira couldn't help but think that pride members needed to know--especially those that had witnessed the icy feelings she held for that particular family.
When I was a cub, her mother ignored common manners, and then threatened my younger sister. That alone is enough for me to despise her mother. And why I do not like her--well, you saw the way she acted on my mother's land--it seems as if she has inherited the same disregard for simple courtesy. Her eyes flashed, but then she looked on Kamu again and spoke once more, not wishing to darken the whole family. Her father though, and her sister, were kind enough beings when I last saw them. And my mother seems to hold quite a lot of respect for her father. That in itself, was enough for Almira to respect Hathor in return. She often held her mother's opinion higher than her own, believing her to know infinitely more than Almira herself could ever discover.
An ear swiveled backward as another sound caught her attention, and she quickly turned with a snarl and prepared herself to face this new challenge. Imagine her surprise when she realized the one walking toward her was none other than Keira--Brooke's sister! The expression on her face quickly disappeared, and a kind, if guarded smile, pulled at her muzzle. But upon catching the wince the other young lioness made, worry swiftly took its place, even though Keira grinned when she told what happened.
Looking back toward Keira's face, a frown reached her features when she noticed the milky eyes, her thoughts the same as her sister's had been--since when was Keira blind? But instead of asking how she felt--the other was obviously getting around fine without her eyesight to seemed and not be too worried about her wound--Almira said the first thing that popped into her mind. Your sister was just here. Not the most delicate form of introduction, but her tone held no anger in it, only a simple desire for conversation.
Aug 9, 2007 21:12:48 GMT -6
Post by Vox on Aug 9, 2007 21:12:48 GMT -6
Keira was not surprised at what Almira said. Angel could be rash, which was both an advantage and a disadvantage. Hathor and Keira were always the more reserved of the family, wheras Harleigh chose to 'tune out' whenever anything important happened. Shifting her weight a little, the young lioness stifled a moan as her ribs rubbed against the slit in her side. It was very deep indeed. Sightless eyes actually finding Almira's face, instead of the air next to her, Keira got up and made a small bow. It was a little stiff because of her wound, but she managed a strained smile.
Out of loyalty to my family, I must add that they're not usually like that. Brooke is young, and naive. She doesn't know the customs. My mother can sometimes be rash and appear common but she is very protective over us. Harleigh nearly died when we were little, from an attack. Since them Mum's been weird about our security.
A faraway look entered her face, as if she was thinking about something else, but then she snapped back to reality and blinked. A slight crease furrowed her smooth brow at Keira heard her last words. Yes, Brooke had just been here. And? " Don't be rude! "
I...It has taken me a long time to fight off my family's reputation. We have been called a 'fake' Pride, and a 'family group' instead of a proper Pride. And wherever I go, I am called a 'common' Princess instead of the real thing. It doesn't help that my sister goes parading around in the essence of immaturity. To put it lightly...Brooke and I don't get on well.
" The great fat prat! If she just tried to uphold the family honor, maybe I would get along, but she's so childish! Mum always says that Brooke tries and I don't, but she doesn't see what goes on behind closed doors. They never see... " Keira's bitterness didn't leak through to her clouded eyes or face though. She kept her composure, proud and relaxed as any royalty should. But she didn't feel like a real Princess...She felt like a fraud, a fraud standing in front of this reality and pretending. It was hard, being with her family. Her face colored up and Keira looked at her paws. She was always ashamed of her family. At least Lothril was a strong mother, she had one that tried to kill innocent cubs. Her father was a good one, but the way he looked at males...You'd think he wanted to eat them. Which was likely. He had had some strange customs before coming to these lands. [/right]
Aug 11, 2007 2:47:12 GMT -6
Post by kamunyak on Aug 11, 2007 2:47:12 GMT -6
Kamunyak listerned to what Almira had to say about Brooke and her family. Boy did Almira hate them!. As she heard the growl, Almira must of had issues with them. She sighed and tried to give her a little comforting. But before she even did that, She watched Almira's face turn... It was another lioness, but this one seemed different. She was blind, and kind of walking limb like.
Kamu looked to her and tried to keep eye contact, her ears flickered to side to side, listerning to her and Almira's conversation... It was Brooke's sister! Kamu's face turned and walked over with a little growling in her throat. " What is your purpose here?[/b]" But it didnt sound mean as you may think. This new lioness looked to be abit older then Kamu. She sighed and tried to keep her anger down. This lioness looked abit run down, due to the fact she was blind and she had a big deep wound in her side. Ouch, i bet that's giving her a bad time! Kamu thought to herself, she looked to Almira and whispered... " What she want?[/b]" Her amber eyes examining the new arrival.
Aug 11, 2007 16:06:17 GMT -6
Post by Lassiel on Aug 11, 2007 16:06:17 GMT -6
Almira's black-lined lips pressed into a tight line as she spoke, listening attentively out of respect for Keira. Catching sight of the grimace the other gave as she spoke, Almira made a mental note to keep an eye on how Keira would fare with that wound. Apparently, it was bothering her more than she let on at first.
I respect your loyalty to them, and maybe they aren't really like that. Oh, she was being very truthful saying that. Loyalty, closely followed by trust, were virtues Lothril had nearly pounded into her daughters' heads. They were highly regarded in Akina, at least by the ruling family, and any other who adhered to such principles was instantly respected. But respect did not mean she would let her own opinions go unheard. However, I do not understand how one slightly younger than myself cannot know correct customs. Even more, you two grew up with the same father--how is it that you understand them perfectly, yet she doesn't? Her pursed lips returned as she thought on Keira's explanation of Angel. Being that protective cannot be a good thing. A dry, humorless smile came to her face. We see what it did between our families, and I am nearly certain that though my mother may sympathize with what almost happened to Harleigh, she will not take that as an excuse. Her smile was bitter now, remembering one of her earliest memories--Amadi, her only brother, being caught by a hyena, torn apart in front of her eyes. And her mother arriving as quickly as she could, but too late. The weeks afterwards were made even more painful by the disappearance of her father. Tari was silent, and when she spoke her words were barbed and angry. And as for herself....Almira had been subdued, and took it upon herself to look after her younger sister.
Little Almira was the Sister of Action, wasn't she? Always eager to let others know just exactly what she thought, and lacking the subtle grace of her sister. But Almira was still well-acquainted with what was acceptable and what wasn't. I do not really see how some may call you a 'common' princess. All the prides around here were formed by lions that were once rogues and loners. Just because your pride was the youngest and last to form, does not make it any less 'real.'
Almira's words halted when she saw Kamu step forward and demand to know Keira's purpose. It seemed she was already taking her status as part of the pride seriously. As she turned back to Almira, the princess gave a small shake of her head, signaling that there was no need to speak in such a way and that it was all under control. Hoping that Kamu had caught the look, she faced the blind lioness again, speaking in a courteous tone. I would like to know why you are here as well. I...trust you are not here to recruit loners off Akina land also. Her last statement was said in more of a teasing tone, one which spoke of her belief that Keira was not planning to do such a thing.
Aug 11, 2007 16:48:56 GMT -6
Post by Vox on Aug 11, 2007 16:48:56 GMT -6
Keeping her face as straight as possible and free of embarrassment, Keira moved into a more comfortable stance and cleared her throat a little. If all went according to plan, Keira would join the Akina and smooth out the friction between the two Prides, Ari and Akina, and there would be peace. If not...Then Almira would not like the fact that she had joined, or Brooke would not and there would be a huge rumpus. It was a tricky maneuver, but Keira wanted her family to be safe and if that meant that she herself had to get a little hurt emotionally due to Almira's disapproval...Then so be it. Usually she was more selfish, but this was a dire cause and if she didn't do something there would eventually be war.
I don't want to sound rude, or offensive in any way about my family but...Brooke never listened to my father as he taught us, I believe I'm the only one that gleaned any information from his lectures. Brooke and Harleigh were always more interested in hunting and day-dreaming whereas I...Was more interested in being grown-up all the time. The end result being that I am a fully capable, diplomatic lioness who has no childhood.
A shrug accompanied her harsh words. It was true, so what was the point in masking it? She had lost her childhood as she had always tried to be better than those around her, show her parents that she was the one they should praise. And yet...Keira had never been praised. Not even a 'good job, lass' or 'nice catch'. Nothing. Almira's words were wise, and Keira appreciated the fact that she had her head screwed on properly. Maybe, just maybe, they could grow to be friends. " I do not really see how some may call you a 'common' princess. All the prides around here were formed by lions that were once rogues and loners. Just because your pride was the youngest and last to form, does not make it any less 'real.' " Now that, was a very nice thing to say. It was not because of this that they cat-called though. The Ari Pride had been founded by two lions who were already mates, and already had children. At present, the children and leaders were the only lions in the Pride. Keira thought that by now there would be more, but she was not sure. A little bit of laughter filled her voice as she said her bit.
No, I am not here recruiting, surprisingly enough. I've come to join the Pride. I want to help strengthen ties between our two families and this is the only way I can think of at the moment.
Keira's face was evidently strained and looked curiously care-worn. She wanted to join the Akina, and she had yet to ask Lothril if she could. Not only to heal the wounds that Angel had inflicted, but because it seemed like a good Pride, and Keira felt she would be welcomed there. It would be like the family she never had, one that valued her opinion as much as everybody else's. [/blockquote]
Aug 29, 2007 18:38:20 GMT -6
Post by Lassiel on Aug 29, 2007 18:38:20 GMT -6
ooc: Again, I'm taking my post because everyone has had plenty of time to reply. And this particular plot going on could be important to the Akina and Ari pride, lol.
Her haunches settled to the ground, unconsciously signaling that she was perfectly comfortable with the situation. The wish that she had been given a chance to listen to her father tell her all he knew of the world brushed through Almira, but it was soon gone--like a stray leaf blowing away in the breeze. She...regreted that she had not been given such a chance to know her father, but no real connection had ever been made between them, causing any emotional tie to be torn quickly, though not entirely without pain. Out of necessity, her and Tari's childhood had been different, and sometimes difficult--especially in the early days. But she knew her mother had done as best as she was able in giving them a normal life. They both listened to her lessons, though admittedly Tari seemed to enjoy them more. No wonder then, that Almira's younger sister became the 'diplomatic one' in her family. And come to think of it, Keira herself somewhat reminded her of Tari. Somewhat.
Her thoughts were cut short as Keira spoke again, humor coming out in her voice. Join...the Pride? The decision caught Almira off-guard, not at all expecting something like that. She studied the other lioness more closely, noticing the strain in her body, but also the truthfulness in her gaze. It was...strange, and Almira was not sure if she entirely liked it. She didn't really know if she wanted peace between the two prides...but deep down the princess knew it would be for the best. And besides, at least it was Keira who wanted to join, and not one of her sisters! Almira didn't know if she could agree to such a plan if that was the case.
I...think that my mother will support such a choice, and I'm almost certain Tari will. Her words were slow and worded carefully, though her next statement was more blunt. I won't deny that I doubt anything will ever make get along well with your mother--but I see the wisdom in doing this. Pausing, watching the blind lioness for a moment as if contemplating something, a small smile finally pulled at her features. Although you are not yet an 'official' member--welcome to the Akina. Her tone was firmly welcoming and sincere, though the worry over how this would turn out continue to gnaw at her thoughts.
Sept 6, 2007 16:06:21 GMT -6
Post by kamunyak on Sept 6, 2007 16:06:21 GMT -6
((OOC: sorry people been so busy >< whats been happening! Im lost ;_; sorries!))